Repair kit.

The Earth – we merely take from it. And everything we take, we simply discard, as if it holds no value. We disregard the energy required for growth or the life it once nurtured. Often, we perceive humans and nature as opposing forces, failing to grasp the symbiotic relationship we share with the Earth.

Over time, we have grown increasingly disconnected from nature. We used to possess the ability to identify every bird we encountered, recognize edible plants, and avoid harmful mushrooms. Now, our attention has shifted towards recognizing brands we encounter on the streets.

Natural environments have been supplanted by human-made surroundings, where brands and status have taken precedence over knowledge of plants, animals, and the functioning of the world.

Am I part of the problem? Yes, I am. Our society frequently prioritizes the capitalist system, leaving little room for alternative ideas. Rules and regulations confine us to a predetermined path, preventing deviation.

What is my role as a designer in all of this? Will I contribute to the problem or be part of the solution?

The idea was to design a repair kit for jeans, and this could have a profound impact on the issue at hand. In today’s society, fast fashion and disposable clothing have become the norm, resulting in a significant amount of textile waste. By providing consumers with a repair kit specifically designed for jeans, we encourage a shift towards a more sustainable and responsible approach to fashion.

A repair kit for jeans not only offers practical benefits but also carries a symbolic message. It signifies a departure from the throwaway culture and emphasizes the value of craftsmanship, sustainability, and conscious consumption. By actively participating in the repair process, individuals become more aware of the effort and resources required to produce their garments, encouraging a shift in mindset towards a more sustainable and circular fashion industry.

Drawing inspiration from Japanese culture, with its emphasis on traditional craftsmanship, mindfulness, and the concept of “mottainai” (the value of waste), the repair kit for jeans embodies the spirit of sustainability and respect for resources.

The repair kit also includes a QR code that directs you to a platform featuring video instructions on how to utilize the repair kit, seamlessly blending traditional design with modern elements.